Axioms of Project Management

Are you able to "think your way around a project", independently of any methodology, process or tool?

Are you able to adapt your project management approach to each project's unique circumstances? To see it the way all your stakeholders see it and understand that perspective?

Does getting team alignment on project outcomes matter more to you than process compliance? And do you have the knowledge and confidence to sell that to the governance powers that be?

If so, you're a "Ri" project manager (as in "Shu Ha Ri").

If not, then maybe these books can help you get there. 

At any level, Shu, Ha or Ri, noobie or guru, there's something in these books for you.

Even if you don't agree with these Axioms and the concepts that underpin this content, Adam's sometimes contrarian positions will help you validate your own ideas or come up with a new version. Check them out, in the "Books" section.

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